About me
- I am a Research Scientist working in the Advertiser Problems and ML Applications team at Facebook. I received my Ph.D. degree (Thesis title: Data-Driven Analysis and Characterization of Modern Android Malware) in the Department of Computer Science at Dartmouth College, where I work at Dartmouth College Security and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, advised by Prof. V.S. Subrahmanian. [My Curriculum Vitae]
- I received my Bachelor’s Degree from the Department of Electronic Engineering in Tsinghua University. My undergraduate research advisor is Prof. Linglong Dai.
In 2016, my dissertation entitled “Hardware Design and Implementation of a Discrete Multi-channel Optically Controlled Oscillator System” won Tsinghua University’s Distinguished Dissertation Award.
- My research lies at the intersection of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI). Specifically, I create innovative and robust tech- nologies to help people combat cybercrime using machine learning. Examples include developing general-purpose tools for An- droid malware detection and analysis. Moreover, our research results on Android malware are recognized by Google Android Security Team and our research group was invited twice for a talk at Google HQ, Mountain View. I also use game theory to build strategies to predict whether severe zero-day vulnerabilities will be exploited or disclosed by nations, and how long to exploit the vulnerability if they decide to exploit. Most recently, I lead an e ort to develop a general framework for adversarial malware ge- neration using deep learning, a unified and validated set of guidelines for designing Android malware which can evade anti-virus engines. The generated samples can be used to enhance AI-based malware detection systems.
Recent News
Apr 20, 2021. Passed my Ph.D. Thesis Defense at Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College.
July 8, 2019. One paper Generating Fake Documents using Probabilistic Logic Graphs. paper submitted to IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC).
July 5, 2019. One paper Android Rooting Malware Detection via (Somewhat) Robust Irreversible Feature Transformations. paper submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS).
June 22, 2019. Received Dartmouth College Graduate Student Council Student Professional Development Support Fund.
June 5, 2019. Selected as one of 2019 winners of the Neukom Prize for Outstanding Graduate Research in Computational Science.
May 29, 2019. Selected as one of 2019 recipients of the Dartmouth College Graduate Alumni Research Award.
May 14, 2019. Passed my Research Presentation Examination (Qualification Examination) at Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College. slides
April 14, 2019. One paper Disclose or Exploit? A Game Theoretic Approach to Strategic Decision Making in Cyber Warfare. paper submitted to IEEE Systems Journal.
April 10, 2019. One paperDBank: Predictive Behavioral Analysis of Recent Android Banking Trojans. paper accepted to IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC).
October 25, 2018. Invited to give short talk on Clustering & Classification Methods for Predicting Malicious Android Apps on ASPIRE: Android Security and PrIvacy REsearch, Google HQ, Mountain View, CA.
July 18, 2018. Invited to give a talk on Behavioral Analysis and Automated Detection of Android Banking Trojans at Android Security Team, Google HQ, Mountain View, CA.